UK’s Mia Bays talks micro-budget

Window of opportunity: Mia Bays in Sydney

Window of opportunity: Mia Bays in Sydney

From small budgets, great things can come.

It worked for Kieslowski, who believed that technical and budgetary constraints always forced a simple and often more ingenious type of creativity.

Mia Bays, the marketing consultant for micro-studio Film London Microwave, agrees, giving here an anecdote about how budgetary limitations on the £100,000 Shifty forced even better solutions:

“There’s a great scene where Shifty is doing a regular drop to an older woman. As written, the woman has lots of cats. In pre-production, the production designer and producers said ‘we can’t afford real cats, and there’s a risk they won’t behave and you won’t get the shot.’ They pushed the director Eran Creevy to think about stuffed cats instead, to show her obsession. Soon, the flat became filled with cat trinkets; it followed right through the production design. Then one of the lead actors reacted spontaneously to the stuffed cat. Now it’s now a really, really funny scene.

“That’s happened several times on Shifty and on Freestyle, which is coming out in UK cinemas in February.”

Mia Bays will present the keynote address at 9.30am this Saturday at SPAA Fringe. Curious Film’s Michael Wrenn will talk about the Australian release strategy on Friday, 5-6pm at Friday On My Mind.

this week at FOMM: shooting micro-budget

Shooting Micro-budget
The Curious Case of Shifty

In the tradition of Dogme, Warp, Advance Party and our own former IndiVision, we look at the ‘just do it’ culture of micro-budget filmmaking and Curious Film’s boutique distribution arm. In particular, we discuss their distribution strategy for five times BIFA nominated Shifty, the first film to be made by Film London Microwave, a unique 
scheme set up with BBC Films to make features for under £100,000.

Time: 5-6pm
Date: Friday, October 16
Venue: AFTRS Theatre, Fox Entertainment Quarter
* with special advance screening of Shifty

Friday On My Mind is AFTRS‘ weekly event bringing you face to face with the industry’s brightest thinkers.

Free entry. Free 2-hr parking. All welcome.