this week at FOMM: Rowan Woods

Creature Features
Rowan Woods

From The Boys to the fantstical Farscape to Little Fish, we look at the essence of Rowan Woods’ dramatic style and take a sneak peek at clips from his upcoming Hollywood feature, Winged Creatures.

Date: Friday, July 3
Time: 5-6pm
Entry: Free (2-hr free parking)

* includes a clip from the upcoming Winged Creatures
winged creatures

Friday On My Mind is AFTRS‘ weekly event bringing you face to face with the industry’s brightest thinkers.

this week at FOMM: Glendyn Ivin

Last Ride
On the road with Glendyn Ivin

Glendyn Ivin dazzled the world with his Cannes winning short Cracker Bag. This week at Friday On My Mind we trace his journey from there through his collaborations with Magic Dirt to his debut feature Last Ride, starring Hugo Weaving.

Date: Friday, June 26
Time: 5-6pm
Entry: Free (2-hr free parking)

* Q&A followed by free screening of Last Ride

Friday On My Mind is AFTRS‘ weekly event bringing you face to face with the industry’s brightest thinkers.

this week at FOMM: John Edwards

New life for TV drama
In conversation with John Edwards

With the healthy state of Pay TV and increased drama funding for the ABC, we talk to award-winning producer John Edwards (Love My Away, The Secret Life of Us) about his two upcoming series Spirited (with Claudia Karvan and Jacquelin Perske) and Tangle, and the new opportunities for Australian television.

Venue: AFTRS Theatrette, Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park
Date: Friday, May 29
Time: 5-6pm
Entry: Free (2-hr free parking)

Friday On My Mind is AFTRS‘ weekly event bringing you face to face with the industry’s brightest thinkers.

this week at FOMM: Ian David

Acts of Courage
In conversation with Ian David

From Blue Murder to Rowan Woods’ 3 Acts of Murder, we look at Ian David’s career, his commitment to the craft and how he’s been spending his Kit Denton Fellowship.

Venue: AFTRS Theatrette, Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park
Date: Friday, May 15
Time: 5-6pm
Entry: Free (2-hr free parking)

Friday On My Mind is AFTRS‘ weekly event bringing you face to face with the industry’s brightest thinkers.

this week at FOMM: Balibo

Adapting Current Affairs
Balibo‘s Tony Maniaty

In their innate drama, current affairs can make great film material. But not without struggles of their own. In the context of films like The Year of Living Dangerously and The Killing Fields, journalist Tony Maniaty – who covered the 1975 war in East Timor for ABC TV and experienced the shelling at Balibo – talks about his consulting role in adapting news stories to the screen for Robert Connolly’s new film Balibo, and the changing role of the journalist.

Venue: AFTRS Theatrette, Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park
Date: Friday, May 1
Time: 5-6pm
Entry: Free (2-hr free parking)

Friday On My Mind is AFTRS‘ weekly event bringing you face to face with the industry’s brightest thinkers.

this week at FOMM: Being Frank Miller

Being Frank Miller
Spirit and 300

Just as DC comic Green Lantern announces it will film in NSW, we look at various local approaches to visually interpreting Frank Miller: Fuel on its 310 shots for The Spirit, and Animal Logic on Zac Snyder’s interpretation of the graphic book novelist’s 300.

Special guests:
• Dave Morely – VFX Supervisor, Fuel
• Kurtis Richmond – Art Director, Fuel
• Grant Freckelton – Concept Artist, Animal Logic

Venue: AFTRS Theatrette, Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park
Date: Friday, April 17
Time: 5-6pm
Entry: Free (2-hr free parking)

Friday On My Mind is AFTRS‘ weekly event bringing you face to face with the industry’s brightest thinkers.

this week at FOMM: Jan Chapman

Creative Producing
Jan Chapman

One of Australia’s most endearing and enduring producers, Jan Chapman talks about her personal style and the importance of a producer’s authorial hand, even when working with auteurs such as Jane Campion, from The Piano to the upcoming Bright Star.

Venue: AFTRS Theatrette, Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park
Date: Friday, April 3
Time: 5-6pm
Entry: Free (2-hr free parking)

Friday On My Mind is AFTRS‘ weekly event bringing you face to face with the industry’s brightest thinkers.

this week at FOMM: Mary & Max

Mary & Max*
Melanie Coombs and Adam Elliot

Releasing on April 9 and five years in the making, Mary & Max is the tale of the international friendship between two unlikely pen pals. It also signals the culmination of many years collaboration between this producer and director duo, from the Oscar winning short Harvie Krumpet to this long awaited feature claymation that opened the Sundance Film Festival.
*special advance screening

Venue: AFTRS Theatrette, Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park
Date: Friday, March 20
Time: 5-6pm
Entry: Free (2-hr free parking)

Friday On My Mind is AFTRS‘ weekly event bringing you face to face with the industry’s brightest thinkers.

this week at FOMM: cross-platform trailblazers

Scorching success
Scorched producers Marcus Gillezeau & Ellenor Cox and Lean Forward’s Jennifer Wilson

As online viewing habits overtake that of broadcast TV, Firelight’s Emmy nominated Marcus Gillezeau and Ellenor Cox talk about their award-winning, all-platform series and the way it signals a shift towards generating original content in each of the channels. Convergent media expert Jennifer Wilson expands upon the big picture opportunities for filmmakers in the digital space.

Venue: AFTRS Theatrette, Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park
Date: Friday, March 13
Time: 5-6pm
Entry: Free (2-hr free parking)

Friday On My Mind is AFTRS‘ weekly event bringing you face to face with the industry’s brightest thinkers.

this week at FOMM: Bonnie Elliott, Simon Chapman & Denson Baker

Shooting Abroad
Culture shock and Cinematographer

Back from shooting her first feature film – in Iran, no less – Bonnie Elliott talks about filming handheld, in a hijab and in the height of summer (My Tehran For Sale). Meanwhile Simon Chapman tells how he survived TVCs in Vietnam/India and overcame language barriers, cultural difference and cold on a 2002 internship in China with Christopher Doyle (Hero), and Denson Baker talks about wrangling Indian Customs agents (The Waiting City).

Venue: AFTRS Theatrette, Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park
Date: Friday, March 6
Time: 5-6pm
Entry: Free (2-hr free parking)

Friday On My Mind is AFTRS‘ weekly event bringing you face to face with the industry’s brightest thinkers.